Jade Klemos

Holding Space For The Soul

The Only Secret To Life Is To Live It Authentically

What is Sacred Medicine?

Simply put Sacred Medicine is a collection of spiritual services that foster healing at the energetic level. The results are individualized depending on the person and the situation.

Some reasons you might choose Sacred Medicine:
~need assistance in releasing old trauma, beliefs or conditioning
~have tried other techniques without getting the results you wanted
~having a mid life crisis or a dark night of the soul
~wanting to explore life a little more deeply
~just curious

Create Harmony

Restore Balance

Facilitate Serenity

About Sacred Medicine

Jade’s Sacred Medicine draws from Native American Philosophy, Ancient Healing Practices, Celtic Traditions and Shamanism. It neither violates nor adheres to any religious doctrine.

Sacred Medicine is a spiritual energetic approach to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual suffering. The theory is that all suffering started in the spiritual dimension.

Each individual is like a snowflake – perfect, precious and unique. Therefore each individual’s sessions would be tailor made for their own needs.

Learn about Jade’s Life Force Energy aka L(i)FE Healing

See Credentials

About Jade

Siddha Anucara means Sacred Attendant in Sanskrit, an ancient language noted as the mother language. As a Siddha Anucara Jade provides holistic non-medical support to those in need.

Sacred attendants can be of service in a myriad of situations, including but not limited to end of life, crisis, illness, injury and aging.

Jade is a natural born Siddha Anucara who has dedicated her life to following a spiritual path, exploring ancient healing modalities and expanding her expertise.

For over 30 years Jade has developed her Spiritual Medicine to create harmony, restore balance and facilitate serenity in those who seek her counsel.

Shamanic Practitioner

Like many, Jade showed proclivities towards Shamanism early in childhood. Also like many, her natural abilities were shunned in her community by those steeped in fear and indoctrination.

Her journey through life has led her right back to her Irish heritage and natural calling as a healer. Specifically Shamanism. A Shaman is a sacred medicine person who holds space and makes room for the soul to heal itself allowing for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual improvement. It is widely accepted that this is done through the practice of going into other states of consciousness as part of the practice.

Shamanism is mistakenly believed to be strictly an indigenous practice, however Shamanism is the oldest spiritual practice stemming from the Paleolithic era and found on every continent on Earth. Shamanism, though perhaps called by different names has existed in all hunter-gatherer tribes. It is all of our heritage, though indigenous cultures have done better at passing on these traditions to the next generations.

Jade has received her training from Joe Pahl, a Shaman in the Alberto Villoldo lineage.


Contact Jade for a free 30 minute consult

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